Lua Plugin for Xcode

Language extension for Xcode

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Requires OS X 10.9 or later.

This plugin adds (the missing) support for the programming language Lua to Xcode. Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language being used for lots of different purposes. Visit the official site for more info:

Plugin Features
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto completion library calls, keywords, constants etc.
  • Snippets declarations, loops, conditions etc.
  • Lua project and file templates built into Xcode.
  • Lua documentation look up from selected text.
  • One-click installer

For any feedback, suggestions, questions or issues please email me at
If you are a Corona SDK user check out this plugin instead: Corona Plugin for Xcode

Lua Syntax highlighting disappeared after updating Xcode?

You always need to re-install the plugin after updating Xcode.

How does the "lua documentation look up" work?

Select some Lua function call (double click on it) and press the shortcut cmd+$ - The documentation will show up in your default browser. If you like you can assign this behavior to another shortcut at Xcode > Preferences > Behaviors

This plugin doesn't install at all?

The plugin installer assumes that you have Xcode installed at its default location in the Applications folder. If you have multiple versions of Xcode the plugin will only be installed with the one named In short make sure you have a in the Applications folder and try re-installing the plugin.

I would like to install this plugin with Xcode Beta versions?

Xcode beta versions are usually named something like To install the plugin with a beta version you need to rename it to and run the plugin installer again. After that you can rename the beta version to whatever you want.